Sweet baby Jesus on a breadstick what a week.
Everyone knows that if you leave the teabag in the water too long it gets bitter.
The bitter kittens have spoken.
The Holy Spirit had something to say, but I think only one person heard it.
Sen. Ted Cruz has a undisclosed Caribbean land deal? Say it’s not so!
What the GOP doesn’t want you to know about Obamacare, here here and here. Get the facts, yes those pesky things at these two events, Fulton and Cherokee. If you know of others please post in comments.
Homophobe Russian PM is hideous to Steve Fry. Vitaly Milonov is right out of the middle ages. Unsurprisingly this homophobic hate speech lead to a vicious attack on senior Dutch Diplomat.
Senator Elect Booker is the marrying kind, of same sex couples that is. Dude is never without material to Tweet.